Puppy in Long Beach California

New puppy guardians have a big question: “when is the right time to start training?” The answer to that is… right away! Everything is new to your puppy, and their brain is growing and developing. Now is the time to help teach them! Of course, a dog is never too old to train, but these […]

    Dogs are hunters and scavengers and naturally need to seek and search. Foraging is working to obtain food; this is often in our dog’s DNA. Many dogs forage and scavenge for food constantly, “e.g., counter surfing, scouring walks for food.” Even my dogs have been known to steal some food off the counter! […]

On the fence about virtual dog training or recently booked your first session and want to make the most of it? This blog is for you! We’ll walk you through all of the steps to make sure you get the most out of your virtual dog training.     How to get the most out […]

    If you are new to the dog training experience, the use of clickers can seem bizarre. Most people find them daunting until they see the benefits. As a force-free and science-based dog training service, we use clickers daily with our dogs and during training. Regardless of the specific training goals that you have […]

Underdogs Long Beach is a science-based dog company. However, unless you are familiar with the dog training world, you likely don’t fully understand what “science-based dog training” means. That’s okay! This particular post will dive into what this means and how we apply it every day in our dog training business. Our team recently shared […]