In these private, in-home sessions, we'll help you fix the problem that your'e facing. we will help you better understand your dog’s behavior and body language, as well as successful training strategies. 

We cover foundation behaviors, unwanted behaviors, and short-term, and long-term goals as well as develop a customized training plan that encompasses your specific needs. 

At the end of the session, you will walk away with the skills to keep your dog on track, but don’t worry—we have the notes and will follow up covering everything you learned.

What to expect


If you've tried it all and it hasn't worked, or tried nothing, we got you! Private training is one-on-one for all humans struggling with their dogs, looking for a solution and their problem to be fixed! 

We work remotely or in-person, helping all dogs, through all problems, big or small. 

Who is this for

4 weekly sessions: $1,120
7 weekly sessions: $1,800
10 weekly sessions: $2,400

For the barky and lungy dogs

4 weekly sessions: $650 
7 weekly sessions: $1,085
10 weekly sessions: $1,500

For Puppies and wild adult dogs

Weekly or biweekly

1 hour sessions

In person or remote

The Details

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